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Who We Are

SFGA provides a voice for 600+ concerned neighbors living in communities at the southern gateway to Santa Fe, which is also the northernmost point of the Turquoise Trail National Scenic Byway (NMSR14). An all- volunteer organization, SFGA depends on the donations of both professional skills and funds of members and supporters..

Our supporters include homeowners, business owners, retirees, young families, teachers, artists, working professionals, scientists, and college students who live within the Santa Fe County Community College [planning] District. SFGA collaborates with the Institute of American Indian Art, and residents of Churchill Estates, Vista Ocaso, La Pradera, Oshara Village, Turquoise Trail [Bisbee Court] Business Park, Turquoise Trail North, Rancho Viejo [La Entrada, The Village, Windmill Ridge, College Heights], Valle Lindo, and Valle Vista. To achieve its goals, SFGA coordinates with adjoining communities, among them San Marcos, Cerrillos, Madrid, La Cienega, and member groups of the Turquoise Trail Regional Alliance. SFGA-represented communities also fall within the Santa Fe County Sustainable Growth Management Plan’s (SGMP) El Centro Growth Management Area (GMA).


The southern gateway to Santa Fe is a place where:

  • local character and uniqueness are valued
  • growth and development embody the values, vision and goals of Santa Fe
  • natural environment, night skies and open spaces are protected
  • water resources are conserved
  • clean air contributes to health and well being


Preserve and protect the southern gateway to Santa Fe and the ‘top’ of the Turquoise Trail for the health, safety and enduring enjoyment of residents and visitors.


  • Respect for the history, peoples, and natural environment of Santa Fe’s southern gateway
  • Stewardship of the gateway for enduring enjoyment of all residents and visitors
  • Advocacy for environmental justice to ensure responsible, inclusive, and sustainable development
  • Celebration of diverse views, experiences, and belief systems
  • Collaboration in support of Santa Fe County’s planning processes: the vision and goals of the Community College District Plan, the Sustainable Growth Management Plan, and the Sustainable Land Development Code.
  • Sustainable community minded economic development is encouraged


In early 2017, a small group of residents of Santa Fe’s south side formed a grassroots committee in response to proposed construction of a truck stop at the intersection of NMSR14 (Turquoise Trail National Scenic Byway) and Rancho Viejo Boulevard. 

The committee was concerned about potential impacts of a truck stop at this location, and grew into a groundswell of opposition as others living in nearby neighborhoods and communities voiced their concerns.  While the committee and its supporters valued sustainable economic development and local enterprise, potential negative effects of truck stop proximity could not be ignored: traffic safety, air, water, land and light pollution, and adequate availability of police and fire services. 

The committee, establishing itself as the Santa Fe Gateway Alliance (SFGA), studied and endorsed Santa Fe County’s vision of sustainable development and growth management set forth in the Community College District Development Plan (CCDP) of 2000 to “create neighborhoods and a community which can sustain itself over time by building protection of resources and support and opportunity for residents into the development pattern before development occurs.”

Further study of the County land use planning processes led the committee to also support the vision and goals of the Santa Fe County Sustainable Growth Management Plan (SGMP) 0f 2015:

“ . . . meeting the needs of the present while preserving our land, our history, our culture, our resources and our communities for future generations. Sustainable development maintains or enhances economic opportunity and community well-being while protecting and restoring the natural environment upon which people, natural systems and economies depend.”

As interest in the truck stop development grew, SFGA recognized the importance of participating in Santa Fe County’s land use planning processes.  In consultation with Santa Fe County land use officials and staff, SFGA sought and received County recognition as a ‘Registered Organization (RO)’.  As an RO, SFGA formally contributes to County planning processes, as well as monitoring development southside development.  SFGA provides input to development applications within SFGA boundaries and amendments to land use plans and regulations, as well as participating in Community strategic work planning.

Over the past several years, SFGA’s interests broadened beyond the truck stop campaign.  The organization now maintains its commitment to its vision and mission, both of which seek to preserve and protect the southern gateway to Santa Fe, as well as the ‘top’ of the Turquoise Trail.


Preserve and protect the southern gateway to Santa Fe and the ‘top’ of the Turquoise Trail for the health, safety and enduring enjoyment of residents and visitors.



Santa Fe County growth management plans and regulations and contact information

* 2000 Santa Fe Community College District Plan

*2015 Sustainable Growth Management Plan (SGMP) – 290 pages

*2016 Sustainable Land Development Code (SLDC) – 769 pages

* Santa Fe County Growth Management Administration ...


Current and Past Campaigns

Current, and Past Campaigns
On August 29, 2018, Pilot Flying Travel Centers, LLC. filed a “Notice of Dismissal” in the First Judicial District Court dismissing “with prejudice its appeal from the Board of County Commissioners.”  

When an appeal is dismissed “with prejudice” it means that it cannot be refiled ...


Current and Past Campaigns

How to donate to SFGA to help us defray legal consulting and professional service costs. Note that we are a 100% volunteer effort ...


Contact US @ SFGA

If you would like to join our mailing list to stop the truck stop, volunteer, or ask a question, you can reach us by email at: admin@santafegatewayalliance.org ...


Friends of SFGA

SFGA provides a voice for 600+ concerned neighbors living in communities at the southern gateway to Santa Fe, which is also the northernmost point of the Turquoise Trail National Scenic Byway (NMSR14).

An all- volunteer organization, SFGA depends on the donations of both professional skills and funds of members and supporters ...



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